UEI College Medical Assistant Student Story
Have you ever considered advancing your career or learning a new skill to help you start out on a new career journey? If so, the team at UEI College is here to help you. We know how difficult it can be to start going back to school, especially when you have been away from the academic life for a while. We also know how scary it can be to change your career.
Today, we want to introduce you to Alondra H., who is a medical assistant student here at UEI College. We invite you to read more about her story and how UEI College has impacted her life. Alondra was just like you when she started her journey here.
Hi, my name is Alondra and I am excited that you are reading my story and experience here at UEI College San Marcos. I have so much to say about UEI College because everyone here from the other students to staff have truly impacted my life.
I decided to choose the medical assistant program I like to help people and I’ve always been interested in the medical field. Throughout my life, I have been impacted by individuals in the medical field and now I want to be able to give back and have a positive impact on others. I love learning about how our body works and I love how hands-on this program is. My class, as a whole, is very supportive and helpful towards each other. I do not feel intimidated to ask for help or clarification if I need it. Thanks to UEI, I have a different perspective on furthering my education.
Being enrolled in the Medical Assistant program at the San Marcos campus has impacted my life in such a positive way, in such a short amount of time. I have learned that I am capable of more than I ever thought I would be as a student. I have also learned that if I work hard, I can accomplish any goal that I set my mind to. Never in a million years did I think that I would be enrolled in a school again, after graduating high school four years ago! Ever since I started the program, I have been excited to think about what the future is going to be like for me, having a career and not just a job.
At UEI College, the sky is the limit. I am excited to be a part of this program and my future is looking bright. Ideally, I would like to work in pediatrics or at an OBGYN’s office. My second option is to work at a family clinic. I believe that UEI is properly training me and preparing me for the career path that I am seeking. UEI has been the best educational experience I have had by far.
Becoming a medical assistant like Alondra is possible when you choose UEI College. Our team is here to support you and our program will teach you the skills you need to be successful. Our Medical Assistant program can be completed in as few as 10 months and includes an externship with a potential employer. If you are considering a new career or you would like to train for your dream career, now is a great time. We welcome you to reach out to UEI College today!