Campus Safety


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UEI College is committed to ensuring the safety of all students, faculty and staff, so that everyone can feel safe and thrive in an environment that is free from harassment or danger and focus on learning and reaching both personal and career objectives. This means that UEI has procedures and policies in place that not only protect everyone on campus but ensure that campuses are free from any illegal or criminal activity, including but not limited to alcohol and drug abuse.

As a UEI College student, you are part of our community and we want to encourage you to work together with other students and staff to report any suspicious activity on campus, keep one another safe, and take personal responsibility for yourself. Being part of our community means that you can be a responsible member of our society that helps ensure the success and safety of everyone alike.

Be Cautious for Your Own Safety

Whether you are on campus or anywhere else, it is good practice to always be aware of your surroundings and be alert. While many areas are well lit and have security measures in place to keep you safe, there is no replacement for your own awareness. Below, you will find some tips to help keep you protected:

  • Lock your vehicle doors, even when you are sitting in the car
  • Keep the windows on your vehicle rolled up
  • Do NOT keep any valuables out in plain sight
  • Avoid walking alone to your car at night
  • Avoid dark or deserted areas
  • If you feel threatened or notice anything suspicious, immediately notify campus security or call 911
  • Keep your belongings with you and do not leave them unattended
  • Do not bring valuables or excessive amounts of cash on campus (only bring what cash is necessary)
  • Listen to your gut (if you are not comfortable, get out of the situation right away)
  • When listening to music, leave one earbud out to hear what is going on around you
  • NEVER walk alone with someone you do not know
  • Only carry what you can comfortably handle and do not overburden yourself
  • Walk with a purpose and confidence (if you look confused, you may become a target)
  • ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings
  • Know where to go to get help and have your phone on you and charged

What You Need to Know

UEI College Fosters a Drug and Alcohol-Free Environment

UEI College takes the academic success of all students seriously and our faculty and staff work hard to ensure our campuses and atmosphere are conducive of that. All drugs and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited on our campuses. Any student, faculty, or staff is in violation of this policy will face disciplinary action including dismissal from school or termination.

No Weapons Allowed

The security and safety of all students, faculty, and staff at UEI College is paramount. Possessing any type of weapon on campus is prohibited. Even if a student, faculty member, or staff member has a permit to possess or carry a weapon, they may NOT have it on any of our campuses. A violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action and may result in dismissal or termination.

Unsure of a Situation? Report It!

UEI College encourages any student or campus employee who witnesses criminal activity being committed to report it immediately to the campus executive director, who is the campus security authority or CSA. Criminal activity that occurs on any sidewalks, near campus, parking lots, or adjoining streets should be reported immediately as well. If a student or campus employee cannot get ahold of the executive director or director or education, it is encouraged that you notify UEI College management.

Student Conduct

All students who are enrolled at UEI College are expected to follow a specific code of conduct. This code of conduct includes being respectful to all fellow students’ values, ideas, and property. Disruptive behavior on campus will not be tolerated and includes, but is not limited to, cheating, stealing, harassment, and fighting. The use of profanity is not acceptable. The above listed actions and any deemed to be against the student code of conduct can result in students being dismissed from UEI College, especially if another student or staff member feels threatened, intimidated, or unsafe. Personal cell phones are prohibited during class and lab sessions. Cell phone use on campus outside of a class or lab should be minimal.