Blogs, News & Events
IEC Fights for College Access for Low-Income Families
Irvine, CA ─ September 1, 2010 ─ In an open letter to congress, Fardad Fateri, President and CEO of International Education Corporation (IEC), opposed the proposed federal regulation on Gainful Employment.
IEC Acquires MCed Career College
International Education Corporation today announced that it has completed the acquisition of MCed Career College headquartered in Fresno, California…
IEC Opens UEI College Campus in San Marcos, CA
International Education Corporation announces the opening of UEI College in San Marcos, CA. “I am so proud that San Marcos is now home to UEI career…
CEO Dr. Fardad Fateri Inverviewed by Career College Central
Chief Executive Officer of International Education Corporation, Dr. Fardad Fateri, was recently interviewed by Career College Central, a leading magazine in the Career College industry for Higher Education.
IEC Changes the Names of its Campuses from Advanced Career Training
Irvine, CA. International Education Corporation today announced the name change of its campuses on the East Coast from Advanced Career Training (ACT) to…